6 Reasons Realtors Should Wear a Name Tag - Blog

6 Reasons Realtors Should Wear a Name Tag

realtor name badges

Realtor name tags can go a long way in helping create a relationship with both current and potential clients. Additionally, a name tag can help portray a sense of professionalism and personality. Check out six reasons why realtors should always wear a name tag.

1. Looks Professional

Wearing a nametag while showing a house or conducting an open house makes you look more professional. Without one, visitors may mistake you as another visitor. Seeing your name and company clearly displayed on a name badge helps portray you as the expert.

2. Makes You More Personable

No one wants to feel like they’re talking to just another salesperson. Studies have shown that knowing each other’s names enhances communication between people. When a tourer sees your name, they’ll feel more comfortable asking you questions or talking numbers. Additionally, the style of your realtor name badge can portray a sense of who you are.

3. Grows Your Client List

Many realtors have described how they’ve found new clients at Starbucks or while in line at the grocery store. Keeping your name tag on after the workday is over can help you find new clients. You never know who’s in the market for a new home. 

4. Stronger Corporate Branding

What better way to increase brand awareness than with your realtor name badge? Wearing your name tag outside the office increases brand exposure and helps it be seen by a variety of people. The best part? Your name tag acts as free advertising. 

5. Portrays a Sense of Openness 

Wearing a name badge almost forces you to be open and honest. Allowing people both in and out of the office to know your name conveys a sense of transparency. Additionally, it can project a sense of pride in who you are and what you do.

6. Increases Accountability

As a realtor, you should always be looking to increase your selling skills. Wearing your name tag allows clients to provide constructive criticism. There’s nothing more frustrating than a client trying to identify the person who provided excellent service or who could use some extra training. 

Create Your Perfect Name Tag with NiceBadge

NiceBadge is dedicated to helping you create a personal, professional realtor name tag. We offer a variety of sizes, colors, and styles of realtor name badges so you’re bound to find one that’s perfect for you. 
Contact us today to get started on creating your custom realtor name badge. We’re happy to discuss any questions you have regarding our process.